artist:Constantin Luser

born in 1976
lives in Vienna and Graz

project: Light Type Writer


"Light Type Writer",

"Light Type Writer",
Photo: Ulla Klopf

The Telecom tower at the Griesplatz in Graz is THE central building in the Gries district and an important identification point for the inhabitants of the city.

At night, the northern facade of the building is used by Constantin Luser as an over-dimensional display screen. Hundreds of lamps hanging down the facade can be activated via a public control desk at street level. At this desk, passers-by can write their personal messages into the nightly sky to be viewed from most parts in Graz. The immediately experienced connection between turning on the switches and letting the lamps glow at the facade has a high experiential value. The possibility of having access to a highly visible means of communication triggers the spirit of invention, with the desire to generate one’s own light message.

During the day, one can see a cable network at the northern facade of the Telecom tower, showing connecting cables between the different light sources. This goes hand in hand with the control desk, which signifies a miniature version of the building. A thick cable of bundled control lines evidently links the two entities. The functioning of the installation is clearly visualized and can be used as a means of creation.