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Mihael Milunovic Born 1967 in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) 1992 BA degree in paintin on the Faculty of fine Arts in Belgrade (YU) 1995 MA degree on the same Faculty 1995-1996 Specialization at l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris (F) Solo exhibitions : 2003 September, Centre Culturel Français, Belgrade (YU) April-May, Balkan Matrix, with Stevan Vukovic, Cornerhouse Gallery, Belgrade (YU) 2002 January-March, Drawings, photographies and paintings, Centre Culturel Yougoslave, Paris (F) 1999 June, Project for the installation “Veritas ”, Venice (I) 1998 October, “Solde ” exhibition of objects, Gallery 12+, Belgrade (YU) October, ”Shaman ” and “Reliquaires ”, Gallery of C.C, Nis (YU) February, “Géopeinture II ” paintings, installations and objects, Gallery Nikki Diana Marquardt, Paris (F) 1996 April, ”Carte ”, paintings, drawings and objects, Gallery Bernanos Paris (F) 1995 June, ”Reduction of dimensions”, paintings, Gallery 12 + and Gallery Zvono Belgrade (YU) Selected group shows: 2003 June, Biennale de Valencia, Valencia (ES) May-September, Real Utopia, project”Good News ”, as a part of cultural event European Capital of Culture –Graz 2003, Graz (A) May, Soho in Ottakring, Vienna (A) September, Cabinet, Palazzo Roccella –Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Naples (I) 2002 October, Balkan Konsulat, Gallery Rotor, Graz (A) September, La Nuit de Patrimoine, Sceaux (F) September, Les Lauréats de L’association Renoir, Maison du Boulanger, Troyes (F) April, La Caravane, Sarajevo (BA) May, Pancevo Biennial, Pancevo (YU) 2001 November, “Young dialogues ”, Espace Ernst Hilger, Paris (F) October, «Conversations ”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade (YU) October, “FIAC ”, Foire d’Art Contemporain, Parc des Expositions, Paris (F) September, “Die Sammlung ”, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna (A)June-July, “Central : artlab : Neue Kunst aus Mitteleuropa ”, Siemens Austria and Gallery Hilger, Museums Quartier, Vienna (A) June-September, “Témoins Oculaires ”, CAUE Gallery de Petit Château, Sceaux (F) Mars «Topologies of Death ”, Gallery Beograd, Belgrade (YU) 2000 May, “L’autre moitie de l’Europe ”, Gallery Nationale de Jeu de Paume, Paris (F) 1999 December, Gallery Lucien Durand Le Gaillard, Paris (F) November, “Dessiner le monde ”, Cité des Sciences, Paris (F) September, “WAIW workshop, Eikaas Gallery, Dale (NO) June-July, “The living Art museum ”, Reykjavik, (IS) June, “Media-power-war ” exhibition and lecture, Graz (A) April, “Dessiner le monde - de l’aquarelle au pixel ”, Institut Claude Nicolas Ledoux, Centre d’art contemporain, Saline Royale, Arc and Senans (F) 1997 October, “Mapping ”, Cape Town, South African Republic (ZA) 1996 July, II Biennial of Young Artists, Vrsac (YU) 1995 November, “Map Room ”, House of Youth, Belgrade (YU) 1994 November, Gallery Nadesda Petrovitch, Cacak (YU) July, I Biennial of Young Artists, Vrsac (YU) Prizes : 1997 LaurŽat of Prix Fondation P.A.Renoir for the year. 1994 Prize of the XVIII MŽmorial Nadezda Petrovic. Scollarships: 1997 Fondation Renoir . 1996 SOROS for Contemporary Art. 1995-1996 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of France. Workshops : 2003 “ORTung“, Künstlersymposium, Salzburg (A) 1999 ”WAIW”, world artists and industrial wood, workshop in wood, Dale (NR) 1996 “Marble”, international workshop in marble sculpture, Prilep, FYR of Macedonia 1995 “TERRA”, sculpture in clay and terracote, Kikinda (YU) Lectures : 1999 « Power-Media-War », Forumstadtpark, Graz, Austria 1997 “Look from above:Maps, Geography and mapping in the art “ , during the 12th Cultural Week “Elsewhere and otherwise” at l’Ecole Supérieure des Arts and Industries Graphiques Estienne, Paris (F) Works in collections Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna (A) Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Palazzo Forti, Verona (I) Muzej Savremene Umetnosti Beograd, Belgrade (YU) Moët Chandon, Epernay (F) |