artists: Martin Krenn / Oliver Ressler

born 1970 in Vienna / 1970 in Knittelfeld
live in Vienna

project: European Corrections Corporation

"European Corrections Corporation",

"European Corrections Corporation",
Photo: Ressler/Krenn

The prison as an institution is an instrument of discipline, punishment and exclusion, and functions as an agent of controlling and standardization. In today’s society, prisons obtain an important role as economic production sites, where prisoners work at very low costs. The result is s a profit for the ever extending private prison industry.

Since the 1980s, U.S. corporations like Wackenhut and Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) gained high profits through the initiation and running of prison institutions. Over the last years, they have also obtained more influence in Europe. They regard the European market as a growing branch, in which they want to participate as soon as possible.

The project „European Corrections Corporation“ focuses on the phenomenon of continuing privatization of prisons in Europe and questions the prison as an institution as such.

Like real corporations, the EUCC (European Corrections Corporation) tries to use the prison as a production site within the capitalist economy, representing a model for a profitable use of the labor force of prisoners. A detailed, text-commented CAD graphic design shows how possible future privatization and the restructuring of the prison unit Graz-Karlau could be handled and made visible by the EUCC.

A second part of the work is a video based on an interview with the British activist Mark Barnsley, who was imprisoned eight years in 22 different private and state-owned prisons in Britain. The video addresses the functioning and changing of the prison as an institution and shows possibilities of resistance within and outside prisons.