artist group: Department
for Public Appearances

founded 1995
based in Munich

Carola Vogt, Peter Boerboom, Gabriele Obermaier, Silke Witzsch

Curriculum Vitae

project: mobilien 2003

"mobilien 2003 "

"mobilien 2003 "
digital montage

Under the motto "We turn vacancy into prosperity," the Department for Public Appearances thematizes the rampant problem of vacant stores in city centers. Through the strategy of the new business concept "mobilien 2003", the vacancy of stores is reinterpreted as a seeming advantage.

A "mobilie" is an advertising billboard in front of the show window of vacant stores. The first "mobilie" will be installed near the Griesplatz.

Current offers of available locations are on display in the "mobilien 2003"-agency. Each “mobilie" is presented together with detailed information about its location and advertising value.

The project "mobilien 2003" develops an ambiguous utopia. The dream of living in a lively city with flourishing stores turns into the reality of an all-encompassing advertising world
which merely covers up urban problem zones.